Lightspeed is a digital science fiction and fantasy magazine. In its pages, you will find science fiction: from near-future, sociological soft SF, to far-future, star-spanning hard SF—and fantasy: from epic fantasy, sword-and-sorcery, and contemporary urban tales, to magical realism, science-fantasy, and folktales.

We are currently closed to submissions. We will update this page when we know when we will open again. Read our guidelines for more information.

The following submission types are temporarily closed:


SHORT STORY / NOVELETTE An original, unpublished science fiction story. (1501-10,000 words) Open to all writers. ➡️ Please put your byline below your title. (A lot of people have been skipping this recently. ⬅️

Currently Closed to Submissions


SHORT STORY / NOVELETTE An original, unpublished fantasy story. (1501-10,000 words) Open to all writers. ➡️ Please put your byline below your title. (A lot of people have been skipping this recently. ⬅️

Currently Closed to Submissions


FLASH FICTION An original, unpublished science fiction flash fiction story. (Up to 1,500 words) Open to all writers. ➡️ Please put your byline below your title. (A lot of people have been skipping this recently. ⬅️

Currently Closed to Submissions


FLASH FICTION An original, unpublished fantasy flash fiction story. (Up to 1,500 words) Open to all writers. ➡️ Please put your byline below your title. (A lot of people have been skipping this recently. ⬅️

Currently Closed to Submissions